Saturday, July 23, 2011

Logo Design Info Crucial to your business

Today I'm going to talk to you all about logos and how to go about getting them online.  I'll give you my reasons why certain things are the way they are. If you are unsure about getting a logo design, let me tell you right now that thought is a mistake. My customers have reported an 80% increase in sales when using a logo created by me.

I'm going to tell you a little about myself and why I'm qualified to write this article. First I've been offering graphic design and logo design services for almost ten years. I have been doing it all from my house online and I have created over 10,000 logos for companies worldwide.

Now onto the information. Well take a look around you. What do you see? Soda cans, lighters, smokes, shampoo, cleanser or pretty much anything. What do they all have in common? A logo. Most if you look at them are simple and to the point. This is what you should be going after.  If you put too much stuff into a logo it could go very sour and look like something that your six year old daughter could do. Stay away from designers who don't fit your expectations by reviewing their portfolio. If you do not like their portfolio then don't use them. You can't expect them to take a look at another logo site and copy another artists style. It doesn't work that way. Don't go to a designer just because of the price either or that's going to come back and kick you in the butt. 

There are specific colors you need to use for certain types of businesses. There is a reason why every color is used for every product out there. It will do something to your brain to give you a feeling for example green is for money and to buy. Yellow is energy. Blue is a calming color. If the right colors are used together to go with your professional design your business could be unstoppable. It's all about the marketing and branding and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. As I use to say - "I can sell snow to an Eskimo". 

Now onto why it's important to use a real logo instead of a template. Well first off, if you buy a template you have the chance of getting a really low quality design that hundreds if not thousands are using.  It's technically just a quick fix and that's not what your company is, is it? No, I didn't think so. Don't half-ass your marketing and get something cheap, it will come back and hunt you forever. 

You should find a designer who is going to give you multiple concepts and if you can from multiple artists, which will really give you an advantage especially if you don't know what you want. Remember sometimes it can take a few tries to get that perfect logo but don't screw over the designer by doing any disputes etc. Count it as money loss and it's a tax break anyway. If the designer worked with you and you two couldn't work it out, then that should be final.

A simple logo design I believe consists of shapes and a very simple design. One of my favorite logos is Mc Donalds as it's just so simple and powerful. Remember this when buying a logo. Your logo will not automatically look like it's a logo like Mc Donalds. You need to market the logo and business enough to get it to stick into the heads of the people. They are like sheep so be the Shepard and control your flock the way you want. 

A logo design is bait. You need to use the right designs and marketing at the right times, just like your fishing. Think of it like that and do tests. Look back into your competitors history and see if they had an older logo and see why they switched to a newer one. If they already have the formula created then why should you have to reinvent the wheel?

Look at the colors your competitors used. Don't just choose a few colors that are your favorites. That could be destined to fail before day 1. You then not only wasted money on designing but advertising it.  When looking for a designer you have to remember that you're going to need a vector graphic. It's going to help you in the long run. What is a vector graphic you ask?  A vector logo design is a logo that can be stretched to any size and will never lose quality.

Check out some online logo design studio on the web and you will find the perfect designer for your business.

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